Alabama River Charge Quotes Day Three
Category: notes
May 11th, 2013 by OutdoorsFIRST
Modified May 11th, 2013 at 12:00 AM
Walker battling fitness buffs.
Elite Series pro David Walker is headed into the final day of the Alabama River event. He is facing down bass with unique conditioning habits.
“These fish are mean,” said Walker. “I’d love another shot at another 5-pounder. I’ve never seen or caught so many big spotted bass. They’ll fight you all day long. In the water, in the livewell, everywhere. They live on a treadmill.”
Reese plans on 25 pounds.
“I’ll go try to catch 25 pounds tomorrow,” said Reese. “I hope the others don’t catch any. I changed water today. I went up and not down. I found some good schools. I’ll find out tomorrow if there are any fish left there.”