The Running Man
Category: Tournament
Sep 10th, 2015 by OutdoorsFIRST
Modified Sep 10th, 2015 at 12:00 AM
Bassmaster Angler of the Year (AOY) and Mercury pro, Aaron Martens, is known for many things. Like, his keen ability to find and catch bass during tournaments regardless of the body of water. And his ability to catch big limits of bass with finesse gear. Not to mention some of the most disjointed stage interviews in the Elites. And also a somewhat intellectual air about him as he dissects and explains how he figures out bass.
While all of the previous traits are important for the success Martens has achieved, there is one element that is discussed at times, but often overlooked and even dismissed by folks observing this tremendous piscine grappler. Martens’ fitness. Specifically, how much he values his fitness as the key element to his overall success as a professional angler.
“I’m not sure I want to share one of the big secrets to my success,” said Martens. “I mean, I’ve tried to help people before with this stuff, but they just ignore it.
“Exercise and diet are the cornerstones to much of my success. I’m not sure how many people realize to what extent both exercise and diet are what helps me compete at the level I do.”

The Shimano pro rarely passes up an opportunity to workout, even after a grueling day of tournament fishing.
“My primary exercising is running,” said Martens. “My goal is to run 30 miles per week, though during most of the tournament schedule I adjust that to 20 miles per week. Sometimes I get less, but I try for the most I can get while still getting my proper rest.
“For me, running is fun. It relieves an awful lot of my stress besides keeping me lighter weight and healthier overall. Keeps my heart healthy, my muscles and my mind.
“I run after tournament days and during practice, too. Weather permitting, of course.”
Aaron has been focused on proper eating for the last decade or so. Just look at his results in the tournament fishing world and you will see it has paid off.
“My wife Lesley and I have really been studying proper diet for the last 10 years or so,” said Martens. “I’ve drifted away from as much processed food as possible. I eat lots of fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, lots of lean protein. Of course, I do eat red meat from time-to-time as well. My body needs those nutrients, too. A good lean cut like a tenderloin, sirloin or a strip steak. Those are tasty.
“I also eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Bananas are a favorite. I don’t believe in that old banana superstition for boats, so I have them on my boat. There is so much value in eating those whole fruits and vegetables.”
Camping while fishing the Elite Series is the final piece of the Martens’ fitness puzzle.
“I prefer to camp when fishing the Elite Series,” said Martens. “Camping allows me to bring my own place to cook with me. I can get away from too much activity. It’s generally very quiet and allows me to focus on my tasks, whether that is preparing food or tackle.
“This all allows me to focus on taking care of my body and mind. With that taken care of, I am free to focus on fishing.”