MYHRE: Summertime is topwater bassin’ time
Category: Uncategorized
Jun 23rd, 2016 by OutdoorsFIRST 238
Modified Jun 23rd, 2016 at 12:24 PM
MYHRE: Summertime is topwater bassin’ time
While 90-degree days under bright sunny skies with the countryside wrapped in sweltering humidity might not be the best time for chasing bass on top, it is certainly a good option.
The explosion of submerged weeds in most of our bass waters is what triggers my desire to wrestle with chunky largemouths in the slop.
You see, there are some bass, certainly not all in the lake, that will take up residence in the almost impenetrable jungle of aquatic growth.
Winching them out of this boars’ nest requires a whole new set of rods, reels, line, lures and just plain old elbow grease.
Of course, you don’t have to be in the middle of the equivalent of an aquatic cow pasture to successfully use topwater techniques. There’s a period of time just before the weeds hit the surface that can be good too. Also don’t overlook woody structure along shorelines or any ambush point in shallow water where a hungry bass might take up residence.