More fingerling crappies into Roosevelt Lake
Category: News Release
Mar 19th, 2019 by Keith Worrall 384
Modified Mar 19th, 2019 at 9:31 AM
In early March, Roosevelt Lake received another welcomed stocking of fingerling crappies to bolster the already existing population.
This popular game fish has been a major lure for thousands of winter visitors to the Arizona sunshine desert climate in years gone by.
For some reason the numbers of crappies in the lake made a significant decline more than 10 years ago, which likewise directed anglers to other lakes in Arizona and elsewhere.
During the months of April and May it was common to see upward to 100 boats in the Tonto or Salt arms slow trolling for crappies.
Read More: More fingerling crappies into Roosevelt Lake
Wyatt Massey, 10, helps stock fish with Kirk Russell.
Photo courtesy of Curt Gill/Arizona Game and Fish Department