
Women on Ice Event a Success!

 Jan 14th, 2015 by OutdoorsFIRST 

Modified Jan 14th, 2015 at 12:00 AM

“Women On Ice” Event a Success!

by Joe Henry

To say the few days on Lake of the Woods last week was a success is an understatement.  A small group of ladies came together to bring to light the sport of ice fishing amongst women everywhere.  From a variety of disciplines, but all accomplished in their own right, these ladies tackled everything The Walleye Capital of the World could dish out and came out on top.

“I had a fish on 60 seconds from the first time my line hit the water”, explains Barb Carey, Clam Ice Pro and one of the organizers of this group of ladies.  Throughout the ice fishing trip, the group iced walleyes, saugers, jumbo perch, monster crappies, eelpout and tulibees.  “We caught literally the biggest crappies we have ever seen in our lives!”

One day of the adventure, the weather forecast called for very high winds and snow.  From the sounds of it, it was an all out blizzard with 40 mph winds, snow and near zero visibility.  “I have ice fished my entire life and this was the most beautiful, wicked, winter storm ever.  You could see a wall cloud coming, it was so cool.”  (Click Here to view the 40 mph winds on the ice) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IowgTBocwJI

The beauty of the NW Angle was certainly a hit.  This area has a way of reaching people in a deep and spiritual way.  “Between the sunrises, sunsets and beautiful stars at night, this is one of the most beautiful places on earth”, Carey explained with passion in her voice.  “The stars were everywhere and so bright.  The constellations stood out like we have never seen before.”

This trip was about the ladies, and building new friendships.  It was about showing off some of the newest technology in ice clothing and equipment that will keep you warm even in a blizzard.  It was about the social side of ice fishing.  A group of ladies came together at the northernmost point of the continental United States to share with the world how much fun ice fishing can be.  Mission accomplished!

If you know of some ladies who may want to take part in next year’s Women On Ice event up at Lake of the Woods, contact Lake of the Woods Tourism at info@lakeofthewoodsmn.com  with your contact info.  We are creating a list and will begin sharing dates and other helpful details as they become available.

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