Ice Fishing Lake Superior
Category: fishing tips
Mar 13th, 2019 by Keith Worrall 583
Modified Mar 13th, 2019 at 2:16 PM
The cold weather this year has caused Lake Superior to freeze up and allowed ice fisherman a rare opportunity. In this weeks Get outdoors, Meteorologist Adam Lorch heads onto the big lake in search of some big fish.
This week I’m on the hunt for an illusive fish.
Cory Werhman, a Local Fishing Guide, tells me, “Today were going to start off between 60 and 65 feet. And then possibly progressively work out deeper.”
Fishing guide Cory Werhman is bringing me out onto the hard water outside of Two Harbors in search for a Lake Trout. But there are other species here I could catch too.
“In this shallow there could be some Coho Salmon, some herring, possibility of lake trout. When we go out deep it’ll be mostly lake trout.” says Werhman.
After the shallow waters yielded little to write home about, Cory decided to move deeper. We get set up and then it’s time to jig.
Read More: Get Outside – Ice Fishing Lake Superior