North Dakota club teaches kids to enjoy fishing
Category: fishing clinic
Apr 11th, 2019 by Keith Worrall 544
Modified Apr 11th, 2019 at 4:20 PM
COLEHARBOR, N.D. (AP) — Not even deep snow could keep nearly 200 anglers from descending on Lake Audubon. The occasion was the Bis-Man Reel and Rec’s 35th Annual Ice Fishing Derby, an event that has become a “don’t miss” for many fishermen.
“This time of year people just want to get out and have some fun,” said Don Schick, Bis-Man president. “It doesn’t matter if it is three feet of snow and cold.”
Several of the participants have been fishing the popular derby for many years, Minot Daily News reported. Mike Hutchins of Minot, who caught the largest northern pike of the derby, thought he’d been drilling holes at the derby for about 20 years. But it’s not just the fishing that attracts eager participants. The money raised through the event goes toward the Bis-Man club’s “Take A Kid Fishing” endeavor.
“Everything is geared toward that,” said Wayne Blohm, vice-president. “We have a little over 700 members and this is one of our fundraisers for the year.”
“We are geared to get youth involved in the sport of fishing,” added Jeffrey Herman, board member. “We have a youth event out at Sweet Briar Dam. We try to get as many children out there as we can. There’s many activities to do that day and they go out and fish too.”
Club members volunteer their time and their boats for the yearly event at Sweet Briar. Adults helping children learn and enjoy fishing is a priority for the club.
“There’s so many kids that have never even been in a boat,” said Schick. “They don’t have that opportunity. It’s a big thing. It’s a very good day. That’s what it is all about.”
The Audubon fishing derby is very kid friendly too. Bis-Man Reel and Rec holds a children’s fishing derby alongside the adult derby. Generous prizes are handed out as well. Every child who catches a fish is rewarded with a free lure donated by one of many sponsors. Some young anglers walk away with fishing rods and other prizes. Every child gets something to take home from the yearly outing that is free to youthful participants.