2010 Operation Muskie Online Seminar
Category: chat
Apr 8th, 2010 by OutdoorsFIRST
Modified Apr 8th, 2010 at 12:00 AM
Welcome to the OutdoorsFIRST Network Chat Service!
sworrall: MuskieFIRST welcomes Operation Muskie to the Online Seminar room, Welcome lambeau and all
lambeau: Chad Cain and Doug Johnson are here to speak about all things fishing and guiding, and i can answer auction-related questions…so thanks for having us.
sworrall: Let’s start with a bit of history, how did OM get started?
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Thank a Vet!
dougj: Want me to give this a try?
lambeau: yes, doug
Chad_Cain: sure Doug
dougj: It was three years ago I think and Dick Pearson was e-mailing some of the guys in Iraq. They hit it off and Dick suggested a trip to LOTWs when he got back, Dick talked to Frank Walsh (Bay Store Camp) and got the process started.
lambeau: i had the good fortune to be one of the veterans selected for the trip the first year; the experience is…special to say the least.
dougj: Look like it didn’t go through. but long story short it started with Dick Peasron and Frank Walsh and Vets in Iraq.
New_Hawks_Fan: how many vets go each year and how do you pick them?
Chad_Cain: 20 vets a year
WI_Skis: How many guides are there at the time?
dougj: I got involved when the thing got going as we needed guides.
lambeau: this year we used an application process, with vets being selected on the basis of service experiences, injuries, valor awards, etc.
New_Hawks_Fan: does each vet have his own guide?
Chad_Cain: Bret Wold was the soldier in Iraq that got it started with Dick Pearson
dougj: We have 10 guides and 20 Vets.
Chad_Cain: We take out two vets at a time
lambeau: we also tried to get a range of different services (army, navy, marines, air force) and geography within the U.S. and Canada
New_Hawks_Fan: do you have the same vets every day?
Chad_Cain: Each day we fish with different vets
dougj: Each night the Vets draw for guides and we get to go with different folks each day.
meet lots of great folks.
New_Hawks_Fan: Are they musky anglers or do you take them through “basic training” for esox
lambeau: from the vet’s perspective, it’s extremely cool to get to fish with 3 different guides, esp since they’re some of the best in the world
Chad_Cain: Little of both
sworrall: the guides volunteer their time, correct?
Chad_Cain: All volunteer
dougj: A few are “muskie fishermen”, but some aren’t.
New_Hawks_Fan: wow, that is very charitable for the guides
Chad_Cain: Really it is nothing compared to what these guys do for us!!!!!!!!!!!!
dougj: It’s a two way street, we just get to say thanks and have a great time as well.
lambeau: the guides are good hosts, to include making adaptations for some vets with disabilities
WI_Skis: Whats the biggest fish caught in the previous years?
Sam_Ubl: When I talked to you, Doug, you mentioned the vets aren’t always ready for 15 hours of straight musky fishing – what’s next on the plate? Walleye?
sworrall: Could you give us a short list of this year’s Guides?
dougj: I’ve had Vets with no left arm, and another who lost both legs, Both very upbeatand great folks.
Chad_Cain: 49.5 by a vet so far. It was Lambeau’s brother!
WI_Skis: very nice
lambeau: my brother caught that fish while fishing with Chad Cain…using a spinnerbait he’d been given by Jack Burns. Very special lure for him now, obviously.
lots_of_luck: Is the live fundraiser auction on Muskiefirst this year or is it going to be hosted on another website? It was very entertaining last year.
lambeau: I’ve got the list of guides…one second.
WI_Skis: did many of the past vets get there first skis on the trip
Chad_Cain: When Doug fished with the vet who had lost both of his legs, he got a 49 with Doug!!
Go_Cubs: how many applications do you recieve
Sam_Ubl: I imagine it must be great for these guys to not only be amongst some great guides, but what that part of the country has to offer in the way of scenery and wildlife.
lambeau: Ed Spoerl, Norm Wild, Paul Klein, Jim Murphy, Chad Cain, Doug Johnson, Jim Best, Pete Maina, and either Gary Parsons or Keith Kavajecs (for walleyes)
sworrall: Lots o luck, w e have offered an OutdoorsFIRST message board for the Auction, so short answer is yes.
sworrall: Should be a good night again, was a blast last year
lots_of_luck: excellent!
lambeau: Operation Muskie is very fortunate to be able to use the MuskieFirst chatroom. we’ll have direct links from the Op Muskie website, plus i imagine Steve will direct folks there from here.
Sam_Ubl: The auction on the OM website is fantastic – I really applaud the guys donating there lures to the cause.
sworrall: And everywhere else we can think of
dougj: The application are handled by the military folks, so I don’t really know how many there where.
lambeau: i think there were 35 or 37 applications this year. 20 primary vets were picked, plus 3 alternates.
Sam_Ubl: So what’s for dinner most nights? Cookouts?
lambeau: alternates are automatic for the next year if they don’t end up going this year.
lambeau: hmmmm…food!
Chad_Cain: Awesome food. Ribeyes, Brats, fish fry, yummy
dougj: The guy heading up the application process is Lt Col Jeff Weigand, AF National Guard.
Sam_Ubl: thanks Chad
Chad_Cain: Frank Walsh and his staff due an AMAZING job
lambeau: I’ve got a picture of Frank Walsh in a big chef’s hat that’s pretty classic. Frank and Laura (and all the assistants) are world class hosts.
New_Hawks_Fan: Frank is a class act
dougj: The Bay Store does the food with volunteers. Great stuff.
Sam_Ubl: Very cool!
lambeau: sharing stories (military and fishing) around the campfire with beers each night is a real highlight for everyone.
Chad_Cain: The first year everyone was going to bed pretty early cuz the fishing was so good. Last summer, not so much. Late nights and a great time at the fire!!!
New_Hawks_Fan: ring of warriors, kind of neat
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Operation Muskie On the Water!
dougj: Marvin Window of Warroad also puts on a breakfast for the Vets in Warroad the first morning.
WI_Skis: it sounds like you guys take great care of the Vets
Chad_Cain: It is hilarious to see how the guys from the different branches of the military make fun of each other. Classic!
Chad_Cain: Air Force guys get picked on the most
lambeau: always too many jarheads and zoomies up there…
lambeau: 😉
lots_of_luck: Will Operation Muskie have a booth at the Minnesota Muskie Show?
lambeau: no formal booth, no.
dougj: Not that I know of.
lambeau: but if you’re looking to help out for OM this weekend, check out the auction – the first part ends at midnight Sunday night!
sworrall: Please tell us about the Resort, location, owners, etc, and what they offer OM
panfish: Wow unreal imagine 3 days of fishing with Chad Day 1, Doug Day 2 and Pete Day 3 what a draw that would be. Be a guide yourself on day 4 prolly !!! lol
Go_Cubs: are there krave jr’s in the mystery box auction
New_Hawks_Fan: Do you pay to get the vet’s there
lots_of_luck: Right on Lambeau, I was hoping they would have a “tip jar” there.
lambeau: all expenses except travel to Warroad are covered for the vets.
Chad_Cain: Krave jr’s won’t be out to the end of this month
dougj: Not fully, but we do give the guys some $ to help. We do get there licenses and RABCs
lambeau: that’s why we need to do so much fundraising: lots of food and gas costs money, and that’s where all of you are so helpful to the effort.
New_Hawks_Fan: who covers the costs for the vet’s?
lambeau: the “who” is you!
Chad_Cain: Each vet gets a new rod and reel, and a bunch of lures as well before we even go fishing
dougj: We also supply Rods and reels, line, lure, tackle boxes, cooler, and leaders.
lambeau: on top of corporate and individual direct donations, we’re running a large auction…check it out at www.OperationMuskie.com
WI_Skis: Get in there and bid!
lambeau: the “silent” auction has 65 different lots of items, it runs through Sunday night at midnight.
Chad_Cain: It still amazes me how many muskie fisherman still haven’t heard of
Operation Muskie. Help spread the word!!!
lambeau: the “live” auction is on next Wednesday night April 14th at 7pm.
sworrall: That will be a blast
WI_Skis: That might be an expensive night
lambeau: 20 lots in that…including guide trips with Mr. Johnson and Mr. Worrall, and a chance to film a TV show with Gillespie and Maina!
dougj: It’s been costing in the low $20,000 to put on the event. Big cost is gas which looks to be higher this year.
sworrall: TALK ABOUT THE host resort in detail, please
lambeau: Walsh’s Baystore Camp…greatest place on earth.
lambeau: Frank and Laura turn the resort over to Op Muskie that week…all the cabins, meals, gas at the dock, etc.
Chad_Cain: The first year he donated the entire resort for the week, last year he was at least paid for the camp.
dougj: Bay Store is located on Oak Island. Frank and Laura have owned it for around 20 years or so. Very nice smaller resort, nice cabins and great folks.
Chad_Cain: Great location too!! Big fish near by
lambeau: it’s located on Oak Island in NW Angle of Lake of the Woods, the perfect starting place for everyone to spread out east, north, or west.
sworrall: Is it in the heart of the best fishing in the Angle?
dougj: Located right next to some good muskie water.
sworrall: perfect!
sworrall: About how many folks donate items and services to OM, Mike?
lambeau: wow…a TON.
dougj: From Frank’s dock you can see a reef that has produced a 57″er.
lambeau: we have 85 “lots” of different items in the auctions, and many of those lots have more than one item.
WI_Skis: That sounds like some pretty good water
lambeau: some are large, some are small, all of the donations are very very welcome and we’re thankful to get them.
sworrall: What amazes me is the list seems to grow despite some very tough times.
Muskie fishermen are pretty generous despite all the rough appearances
lambeau: guides trips, lures, nets, a camera, etc., etc.
New_Hawks_Fan: What is the best thing the two guides here take away from the outing?
lambeau: I’ve got a secret “tip” that someone might be donating a couple Brewers tickets too, first base, field level…
sworrall: wow
dougj: Now if that where for the Twins I might be interested!
Chad_Cain: mostly just meeting our soldiers and getting to spend some great time with them
Chad_Cain: Fishing with two F-16 pilots last summer was pretty amazing
WI_Skis: I bet they had some stories for you Chad
New_Hawks_Fan: Probably nor good to let them drive your boat on LOTW
New_Hawks_Fan: Mach anything on LOTW is bad news for lower units
lambeau: i’ve never seen so many people arguing trying to thank each other “more” than the guides and vets up there…
dougj: The guy I had last year the first day John Kriesel had lost both legs and was walkon on aluminum legs. Amazing guy!
sworrall: Wish I could have made it last year…
Chad_Cain: My boat will be running better this summer so I hope to race Norm Wild again!
sworrall: Just wave a Beaver in front of him, he’ll stop
Ryan_Marlowe: Doug Have you ever seen a spring enter this early on LOTW, and how do you think it will affect spawn?
dtaijo174 has left the room.
sworrall: ah, there he is, I was just insulting you, Norm
dougj: I’ve seen ice out on April 8th. Should make for a good early bite!
nwild: I could feel it, that’s why I’m here
sworrall: ‘tater sense’…
lambeau: does that tend to help advance the weed growth as well, Doug?
Chad_Cain: I just hope the fishing was like it was the first year of Operation Muskie
dougj: If we don’t get some real cold stuff in the next few weeks they should be O.K. I get a little worried about real early ice out and mother nature can change her mind at times.
Go_Cubs: chad, what was your biggest at OM
dougj: Yes, every thing will be early if the warm weather holds.
Chad_Cain: A vet got a 49.5 with me the first year
sworrall: What’s the hot bite up there, other than Beavers, when the trip is planned this year?
Chad_Cain: Should be another great slop weed bite with spinnerbaits, and topwater and bucktails on the reefs!! My FAVORITE!
New_Hawks_Fan: Is this Beaver as in Slivinski, or is there a great rodent pattern this time of year
lambeau: this year’s trip is the Aug 2-6
nwild: For the beavers, I have always had good luck with topwater on rocks in August
dougj: Usually the first week in August is a real good time on the LOTWs. Most muskie lures work!
sworrall: Norm slays the Beavers up there. They usually kick his butt at the boat though
Ryan_Marlowe: Do angler’s ever fish other species or is it strictly Ski’s?
sworrall: Is the walleye bite on then as well?
Chad_Cain: There are other species?????
dougj: We’ll have a walleye boat this year.
New_Hawks_Fan: Ahh, served with tater tots by the evening fire?
WI_Skis: What is the reaction from the vets when you show them what a muskie bait looks like
Ryan_Marlowe: Lunch, cool
lambeau: this year’s trip will include either Gary Parsons or Keith Kavajecz as guides…arguably #1 and #1a walleye pros in the world.
WI_Skis: or when the bring in their first double ten
dougj: They end up throwing a lot of top water.
dougj: Or doing a little trolling!
Chad_Cain: Bucktails and rocks don’t mix well for beginners. Just ask Doug
nwild: I’ve had vets crank in double tens all day long up there, depends on there experience level
dougj: DCG’s and rocks don’t get along well.
Chad_Cain: Norm, my motor is fixed. Race to the resort again???
nwild: Lol, every time I talk to Jeff he still talks about that
lambeau: one thing that’s worth mentioning is how cool it is watching combat experienced vets visibly relax for the whole time up there. no distractions, no stress…
sorno: no one shooting at you…
Chad_Cain: One guy said after last years trip that is was the best week of his life!
sworrall: cool
Ryan_Marlowe: What is the process in picking the vets?
dougj: Great folks to spend some time with!!!!!!!!!!!
Chad_Cain: It started out first come first serve, but now there is an application process
Chad_Cain: One of the vets takes care of that
lambeau: Jeff Wiegand and Chris Green reviewed the vet applications this year and picked based on combat experience, injuries, number of deployments, valor awards, etc.
Ryan_Marlowe: that was what i was wondering, good process
sworrall: There will never be ‘enough’ spots for the Vets, unfortunately
New_Hawks_Fan: The 2010 vets have been picked already?
lambeau: correct; 20 have been selected, plus a few alternates in case of dropouts
Ryan_Marlowe: Do you fish 3 in a boat?
Chad_Cain: 2 vets and the guide
dougj: One guide, two Vets.
Ryan_Marlowe: This is an amazing outing, how did it come to be?
sworrall: What is your target this year for fund raising…how much does OM need?
lambeau: it costs about $20,000 to run Op Muskie each year.
Ryan_Marlowe: wow
lambeau: yes, so please help out in whatever way you can: the Operation Muskie website has info for direct donations as well as the auction.
lambeau: www.OperationMuskie.com
dougj: I would guess that somewhere around $22,000 or so this year with the price of gas going up every day. I expect around $4,00.Gal by August in the islands,
lambeau: the “silent” auction is up and running: 65 lots open for bidding until midnight this Sunday, April 11th.
sworrall: And that’s on somewhat of a ‘string’ yet, correct? I’m just making sure everyone who reads the transcript gets on the OM website and buys something
Ryan_Marlowe: Maybe ill bid against myself to help raise more funds…..
lambeau: another 20 lots in the “live” auction which will start at 7pm on Wednesday April 14th.
lambeau: you’ll have more competition on Doug’s trip, Ryan!
dougj: Ryan: Hope you are successful. I’d like to spend a little time in the boat with you.
WI_Skis: There sure are some good looking baits in the auctions
sorno: hmmmm
WI_Skis: sounds like a challenge
sworrall: Guides giving th e trips away are butt ugly, though, every one of them
bridgeman: cashing in my change jar Friday
lambeau: we’ve been incredibly fortunate to get the amount and quality of donations we’ve been able to post. and I’m behind in updating the “sponsors” page on Op Muskie site.
WI_Skis: Ryan I think you were just outbid
sorno: it’s easy to give for such a great cause
lambeau: i’ve already received a bid “in absentia” for the Pete Maina / John Gillespie TV show item…and it’s a nice high one, so be ready…
Ryan_Marlowe: go look
dougj: Yes, Thanks from OM muskie guys for all the help! We couldn’t do it with out you guys!!!!!!!!!!
Chad_Cain: Well guys, I gotta go put my two year old daughter to bed. Take care, and keep those bids rolling.
sorno: take care Chad
WI_Skis: I did
sworrall: Thanks sir, for all you do
lambeau: WOW, nice bid Ryan. very nice.
lambeau: see ya Chad. thanks again.
dougj: Me to, only it’s me not my two year old who need to get to bed.
sworrall: Any last questions?
WI_Skis: WOW
nwild: Chad, I’ll be ready to race when we get there!
sworrall: Gonna have that pelt on your stern light, Norm?
Ryan_Marlowe: Good night guy’s…tbc
sworrall: MuskieFIRST Thanks Operation Muskie for a great hour, now get over to the OM website and bid on something!