DAIWA: All-In on the Alpha Fish
Category: article
Aug 23rd, 2021 by Keith Worrall
Modified Aug 23rd, 2021 at 5:15 PM

All-In on Alpha Fish
Daiwa lends support to North America’s foremost musky fishing tournament
Cypress, CA (August 17, 2021) – They’re moody. They’re passive-aggressive. They’re often unpredictable. We’re talking about the fish, the revered musky, but the same can be said of the musky cult, tongue-in-cheek, of course. But one thing is undeniable; musky purists are dedicated to their pursuit.
With that in mind, Daiwa is pleased to support the upcoming National Championship Musky Open Tournament, brought to you by the Eagle River Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Center and Musky Clubs Alliance of Wisconsin, Inc.
Now in its 35th year, the fabled tournament pits some of North America’s best musky anglers in boat-to-boat competition over three days of fishing, and across a wide swath of eligible waters. Doing so spreads out the field and affords contenders the ability to fish preferred lake styles and conditions.
“Musky fishing is part of our heritage, so we’re very proud to show our support of the anglers and the sport,” said Daiwa Field Marketing Manager, Marc Mills. “Our engineering team often have muskies on the brain while designing new gear. The new Prorex TW reel has been very influential in the musky market, and really helped build the Daiwa brand. Our employees and pro staff share that passion, too, lending insights into building Prorex products and gear specific to musky fishing techniques.”
The all new Daiwa Prorex TW has been designed with one purpose in mind: to tame savage muskies. The Prorex TW is a heavy duty, high-capacity reel with features perfectly suited for the rigors of big baits and big fish. Complete with a strong yet lightweight, aluminum frame and side plate, UTD Drag, T-Wing System, Digigear, an adjustable length power handle and a beefy clutch design, the Prorex TW is ready to handle whatever you can throw its way.
Tournament headquarters for National Championship Musky Open Tournament are at the Vilas County Fairgrounds on Highway 70 West, just blocks from downtown Eagle River. A portion of the proceeds always goes for fish stocking and habitat improvement.
There are seven (7) “Lake Families” available to fish. These families can be requested and will be assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis. Each lake family is limited to 500 participants. Once a lake family is filled, you will have to fish your 2nd choice. Competitors must always fish the assigned lake family during the tournament.
Lake Family 1: The Eagle River Chain Area – 10 lakes of the Eagle Chain from dam to dam, Lower Ninemile Lake, Sevenmile Lake, Kentuck Lake, and Deerskin Lake.
Lake Family 2: The Three Lakes Chain – All lakes in the Three Lakes Chain from dam up river.
Lake Family 3: The “Big Lakes” Family – North Twin Lake, South Twin Lake, Long Lake, Big Sand Lake, Lac Vieux Desert Lake and Pioneer Lake
Lake Family 4: The “Western” Family – Big St. Germain Lake, Little St. Germain Lake, Star Lake, Found Lake, Lost Lake, Laura Lake, Little John, Big Muskellunge Lake, Irving Lake, Ballard Lake, White Birch Lake, Plum Lake and Razorback Lake
Lake Family 5: The Sugar Camp Chain Area – Five Lakes of the Sugar Camp Chain, Gilmore Lake, Pickerel Lake (off Hwy. J), Rainbow Flowage, Little Arbor Vitae Lake and Big Arbor Vitae Lake
Lake Family 6: The “Eastern” Family – Pickerel Lake (off Hwy. G), Upper and Lower Buckatabon Lake, Muskellunge Lake (off Hwy. G), Snipe Lake, Boot Lake and Stella Lake
Lake Family 7: The “Northern Lakes” Family – Fishtrap Lake, Palmer Lake, White Sand Lake, High Lake, Tenderfoot Lake, Boulder Lake, and Wildcat Lake
Trophies are awarded for the winners of each division. Winners are determined by a point basis by length in inches. Anglers may be eligible for more than one division.
Most points accumulated
Trophies awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th places.
Largest musky registered for each lake family.
The largest registered musky measured in inches in each lake family will receive a trophy.
Husband/Wife Trophy
A registered husband and wife pair can enter to win this category by catching the most fish in inches.
Guardian/Youth Trophy
A registered adult (18 and older) and a youth (8 – 15 years) can enter to win this category by catching the most fish in inches.
Youth Trophy
A youth (8 – 15 years) can enter to win this category by catching the most fish in inches.
Largest Fish
The largest registered fished during the tournament will also receive a graphite replica mount.
“This is going to be a fantastic event, and Daiwa is extremely excited to be playing a role,” concluded Mills.
If you have any questions regarding the tournament, please call the Eagle River Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center at 800-359-6315.