Muskie Expo 2017 – Milwaukee
Apr 25th, 2016 by OutdoorsFIRST
Modified Apr 25th, 2016 at 12:00 AM
Dear Muskie,
Muskie Expo 2017 Milwaukee, February 10-12, 2017, Washington County Center.
We are proud to announce that this year something new is happening at Muskie Expo Milwaukee. Just as last year, there will be two buildings at the Washington County Fair Park in West Bend, WI, that will be part of the Expo. However, for 2017, we have redesigned the floor plan of one building, and using your input, we removed the boats to make this building fully dedicated to Muskie Vendors. This will mean some vendors may be moved to the other building. Please keep in mind that those Sponsors and Vendors who make their deposits early for Muskie Expos 2017 will enjoy first selection on booth locations.
You might be wondering what is going to be happening in the OTHER building we spoke of. In striving to bring new Muskie anglers into the sport, we are partnering with FishEx, a multi-species fishing show. By having a multi-species show right next door, we are going to open the doors to Muskie fishing for an entirely new group of fisherman and fisherwomen. FishEx focuses on Walleye, Crappie, Bass, Trout and Salmon, so there is a potentially huge untapped market for potential Muskie anglers! Each show will have a separate entrance and its own marketing, but the admission price for Muskie Expo will get attendees into BOTH shows! Our goal has always been to introduce new anglers to the sport of Muskie Fishing, and we are proud to be living up to that promise!
This past year, compliments poured in from both attendees as well as from vendors. Attendees appreciated the close free parking, great food, clean and spacious show area and the family-friendly atmosphere. The vendors enjoyed creating new relationships with clients and the personal interactions our venue allows. Great feedback like this along with the positive word of mouth on social media just breeds for more attendance next year. Our marketing is in HIGH gear to bring in record attendance in 2017. Every seminar and workshop at Muskie Expo Chicago will impact the crowd with positive energy and will promote Muskie Expo Milwaukee.
Chicago/Milwaukee Discount Package
Our marketing team is already in full swing with Cabela’s and O’Reilly Auto Part Stores already committed for 2017. Our Muskie Flyers are also already out marketing the two Muskie Expos. Booths start at $550 and by signing up for both Muskie Expo shows, you will receive a $100 discount off the overall booth price for both shows. Please remember, booth selections are first come first serve, so get your deposits in early!

Muskie Expo Chicago – January 6, 7, 8, 2017. Pheasant Run Resort, St Charles, IL. With the purpose of making the Muskie Industry even stronger, this show is set to draw attendees from many states. With its comfortable setting and great food, we are proud to share we have signed a multi-year contract to call this home for Muskie Expo Chicago.
Please click the link for the Chicago 2017 Contract.
Here is the link for the new Floor Plan. Call us today to anchor your booth in the 2017 Show. (608) 445-4645

Muskie Expo Milwaukee- February 10,11, 12, 2017. Washington County Center, West Bend, WI. TWO buildings this year! One HUGE building fully dedicated to Muskie fishing and full of Muskie Vendors. Another for the multi-species FishEx. Check out the floor plans and call to get your booth location reserved today!
Please click the link for the Milwaukee 2017 contract
Here is the link for the new Floor Plans.
Muskie Floor Plan
FishEx FloorPlan
Call us today to reserve your choice spot! (608) 445-4645
Become a Partner
Partnership-We are proud to offer you the chance to highlight your company in our extensive 2017 marketing campaign. Please click the link to learn more about our Partnership Program
New Product Showcase
A Showcase of New Muskie Products allowing you media exposure for all of your new products. We believe in making it simple for our vendors and sponsors…all you need to do is submit your new products at no cost to you and leave the rest for us.
Please visit our all new website to get the latest information for the Chicago and Milwaukee shows. Each show has its own section complete with information on NEW location, seminars, exhibitors, and parking. There is also information on some very special events within each Expo and everything needed to ensure a fun-filled event. The site also has sections containing great information and discussions on Muskie Fishing that are constantly updated.