
Presque Isle Guide Howie Meyer Chats with MuskieFIRST

Category: chat

 Feb 28th, 2005 by OutdoorsFIRST 

Modified Feb 28th, 2005 at 12:00 AM

Slamr: MuskieFIRST would like to welcome Howie Meyer the chat room, an expert in deep water and clear water fishing the trophy waters of Northern Wisconsin…..bring on the questions7islands: nothing over two syllables pleasemikes: which lakes do you spend most of your time fishing?Slamr: Howie can you explain to us the “Howie Rig”?bry_settele: what type of lure do you like to use for muskies 20 25 ft7islands: Presque Isle Crab Pokegama Flambeau fenceBukes: How do you approach deep humps (15 ft+) in clear water?7islands: Gile Flowage as the shallow optionSlamr: ok…now lets let howie catch up for a sec here7islands: Bukes My main method is to start with a lure right on the hump bumping bottomSlamr: what special types of lures do you like to do for your bottom bouncing?7islands: sinking crank baits like the shark but most often I’m crawling soft plastics over the bottomPunchandJudy: Do you use bottom bouncers?7islands: no punchcaptain_frank: kinda like jigging?Slamr: can you tell us a little bit about the plastic dragging…what types of lures etc7islands: good question I rarely jig the lure7islands: prefer to just slowly crawl it with an occasional twitchBukes: how do you avoid snagging all the time?7islands: Castaics modified storms, Some dawgs Charlie Sr.7islands: Charlie is new from last yearcaptain_frank: do you do this in lakes or rivers?7islands: Most often those humps have scattered rocks but we do snag up some7islands: lakes7islands: Usually deep thermoclines on these lakes and enough oxy below thatghoti: Do you do most of your fishing open water,- (suspended) or more structure related? Do your methods change much depending on which part of the season your in?captain_frank: do you have any tactics for rivers with current?7islands: I start looking for the real active fish right up on the hump but then will move off it at the same depth the humps top off at7islands: Just deeper yet after turnover7islands: although I always watch for a big fish shallow movement around turnoverBukes: so you don’t look to present any deeper than the hump when fishing its perimeter7islands: Yes or rivers I like the current breaks near the main channelcaptain_frank: what type of baits?7islands: not usually bukes but if I see the bait fish deeper Ill go down to that depthSnowcrest_6: any suggestion for feeder stream inlets?7islands: It’s surprising how they will relate to the top of that structure depth wiseghoti: How far off the humps do you target?7islands: yes fish them hard and often changing speeds and lure types7islands: up too about 200 yards off the humps7islands: Guys like Paul Hansen Chuck Alatamonte fish the same but higher in the water column7islands: Than I do7islands: I’ve just found it more productive to be at the depth of the muskie or baitfish7islands: It’s an ongoing argument… lolBukes: What are your favorite structures for deep clear water for each part of the season?ghoti: In most of the clearer lakes in your area, what kind of depths has sufficient O2 during the summer months?7islands: they really don’t change that much but offshore during warm water and then more steep shoreline connected bars in the fall7islands: oxy levels are individual to watch lake but there is often oxy at 50 ft. However I won’t fish that deep because of dangers to the resource7islands: danger sorry7islands: I won’t fish over 25′ in really warm waterTUFFY: what size sucker do you like to use?Bukes: Explain the Howie Rig, please7islands: If imp fishing higher in the open water column erratic action rules however right on the bottom or surface of a hump slow is usually better Go figureh2os2t: What speed of retrieve do you usually useBukes: why?7islands: Let’s call it the Presque Isle rig Ok? We devised a way to rig live bait by eliminating the front lip hook v7islands: but hold off on that for a minBukes: ok7islands: speed is generally slow especially with the soft plastics a little faster more erratic up in the water columnSteve_Worrall: that’ll do it, sorry folks7islands: The PI rig is a30″peice of flouro or seven strand with a 5/0 treble on one end and a barrel swivel on the other7islands: we done?ghoti: Do you try topwaters at all over deep humps?Slamr: how do you put a sucker on a Howie rigcaptain_frank: how is it rigged7islands: never really have ghotih2os2t: do you feel slow for clear water for them to get a long look, or do big fish like it slower7islands: I just think they like it slow and natural down there7islands: at any rate that speeds seems to work7islands: so experientially I stay with it most oftenh2os2t: thanks7islands: frank we punch a hole in the suckers lip pass the barrel swivel through and attach the hook near the dorsal fin very lightly in and out after scraping off a few scalesSteve_Worrall: What is your ‘average’ fish from the deep water in your area, overall?Steve_Worrall: area7islands: its a phenomenal hookup there were questions about the flouro vs. the seven strandcaptain_frank: how big of a sucker?7islands: 44.5ghoti: How about colors on the clear waters, do you stay with a match the hatch or try something offbeat?Steve_Worrall: that is impressive7islands: any size sucker7islands: well it does show the big ones on those cisco lakes are deep a lot of the timeSteve_Worrall: sure doesStephenDawg: 7islands: You’re a guide, right Howie? Have you talked “tackle” at all tonight? I just got here. Sorry!7islands: years of frustration led to this discovery no brilliant insights lol7islands: No I haven’t mentioned tackle yetSteve_Worrall: years of frustration will do that, so will about 15 minutes, at times…7islands: yes a working full time guide and appropriately poor7islands: true Stevemikes: do you have a website?7islands: yes sevenislandsguideservice.comStephenDawg: Quantum stepped into the ‘salt water’ side e a little more aggressively this December. Have you heard or seen the Cabo PT casting reels?7islands: no I haven’tStephenDawg: Just curious…Steve_Worrall: What reel do you prefer?h2os2t: since it seem that a cold front moves in when ever I go fishing. what do you do different for a cold frontcaptain_frank: do you use any type of float with that PI rig and if so how deep do you rig itSlamr: Howie you prefer to hold your rods when sucker fishing versus dragging them…..why is that?7islands: well I prefer the Calcutta 400 I have one but usually use garcias up to the 7000 seriesStephenDawg: 7islands: Do you prefer the C4’s over the C3’s or does it depend on the application?guest: Is the Calcutta TE worth the extra money in your opinion?Snowcrest_6: do you have a favorite all- around casting rod of choice?7islands: Good question slamr. I feel I can feel how the fish hit the sucker which way he’s moving and in the past 2 years hits have required immediate setting of the hook7islands: well I use St Croix’s in the 6’9′” heavy for jerks and 7’6″avids for cranks and plastics7islands: Catfish rod for live bait7islands: sorry slamrSlamr: Howie, what was the biggest fish in your boat this year, everSlamr: (I was kidding)Steve_Worrall: Is the Catfish rod glass?StephenDawg: Berkley Big Game rods?7islands: 51 1/2 inches flowage fishSteve_Worrall: big girl!7islands: no it’s the st Croix modelBukes: was that this year or ever7islands: client fish not mine7islands: this year but we had 5 over 50 this yearSteve_Worrall: good thing, clients LIKE fish that bigReef_Hawg: Wow, great year man!7islands: yes I’ve found that to be true lol7islands: yes for our state it’s pretty good I thinkSnowcrest_6: I would imagine they tip a little betterSteve_Worrall: How would an angler book you for a day or more, Howie?Reef_Hawg: A guide with one over 50 in WI per year is real good!7islands: just call me at 715 686 7155 or email at dylnthom@aol.com7islands: thanks reef7islands: If more people would go deeper there would be a lot more Wisconsin fish caught over 50Reef_Hawg: I’ve seen you out on a few of Bob Ellis old waters here and there. I’d love to share a rig some time.ghoti: On your clear lakes, do you spend much time searching for baitfish before fishing or go with what’s been working previously?7islands: Bob was a special man and Id love to have you7islands: good question ghoti yes I like to look for the baitfish first7islands: don’t always see them when I catch a muskie in a spot howeverSlamr: 7Islands, if there were one bit of advice you would give to muskie fisherman coming up to your area in the fall…..what would it be?Slamr: other than hiring you of course7islands: It’s funny those ciscoes can follow the same pattern around a lake every day Bob Ellis taught me thatghoti: How do you approach a pod of baitfish– edges , through, above, below???Reef_Hawg: My uncle married Bob’s niece. He just got one of his rod and reel combos, and I’m looking at one of his cranks right now. I would like to chat with you some time about the ole fart.7islands: well my first advice would be to meet me at Skyview lodge and buy me a cocktail but fishing wise I would say fish the open water more and deeper right on that structure7islands: those clear lakes can be very good even on hot clear mid daysReef_Hawg: 10-4 to that!7islands: and too many people don’t realize those fish get active when they are deep even mid daySteve_Worrall: Howie, do you pay any attention to Solunar tables?Reef_Hawg: Was your live bait fishing any slower in 04 than in the past? It was a bit off for us as far as consistency through the fall.7islands: secondly use those soft plastics a lot moreSlamr: 7Islands, in YOUR opinion, if one were to come up to the PI area….where would one find the BEST shot at a 50″er or better (disregarding numbers)7islands: all light hitters in 04 and 03captain_frank: Howie, I missed the type of plastics you useStephenDawg: 7islands: Do you ‘glide’ your soft plastics behind a Dipsey to get them down to your preferred depth?7islands: Presque Isle after July and Crab anytimeStephenDawg: …like the Bulldawgs.Muskydr: Hey Howie , do you spend much time up on Crab?7islands: no just toss them out and let them sink7islands: bulldawgs are great but I like faster sink rate7islands: and I don’t care for the hook arrangement out of the boxStephenDawg: A Magnum doesn’t sink fast enough? That’s hard to believe!7islands: yes many days on CrabBukes: how do you modify your hooks on the dawgs7islands: lots of structure on Crab but only 15% is the right structureMuskyMike: The Bulldawg Pounder sinks perfect7islands: NO I use castaics a lot and the Charlie Sr. bait7islands: yes it’s a better sinkermrm: what’s a Charlie Sr. bait?7islands: the dawgs are wider and they get slow in the wind going down I like a thinner profile other than that dawgs are greatMuskyMike: Made by Megabait, for California BassMuskydr: I used those megabaits this summer, hot!!7islands: yes that’s the one they make an 8″now and will soon have a 10″MODELTUFFY: did you see the new optimum baits?7islands: yes BUT THE ONES IVE USED DONT HOLD UP AT ALL7islands: come apart just from casting7islands: no?7islands: they look good thoughghoti: What are you looking for in structure to make it worthwhile fishing?Steve_Worrall: Is it difficult to get your clients to believe in the deep presentations?Steve_Worrall: deep7islands: good question I ideally I would find a very small pimple Islands in the middle of nowhere that top out at 23” that none knows aboutmrm: do you use flouro, sevenstrand, or single wire leader and is it connected direct, snap, etc?7islands: but I look for a hump with one side that comes up more gradually than the other side and has a lot of different type and size rocks on itmrm: for swim baits that isghoti: How small ?7islands: small patches of sandgrass on it would make it even betterMuskydr: sounds like you pay close attention to your electronics Howie, what do you have rigged on your boat?7islands: about the size of a table top7islands: there are a few like that on the Flambeau chain7islands: nothing fancy Musky a couple of humminbirds is all no gps or paper graphs7islands: I use a camera a lot though hint Muskydr: lolghoti: Do you seem to find the fish on the gradual slope or the sharp side of the drop?7islands: now there is a tool for the deep muskie guySteve_Worrall: I will lend you my MarCum 560 this summer for awhile, Howie7islands: gradual side usually7islands: I love you SteveRAZE-ONE: What color plastics do you find most productive, Howie?Steve_Worrall: hehehe7islands: Raze to be honest I think they take them all I’ve seen no difference or preference whatsoeverRAZE-ONE: lol,,,,thanks7islands: you can just send me one lolSlamr: gotchaSlamr: any other questions?7islands: man that went quickMuskydr: Howie do you spend alot of time really shallow early in the year ?StephenDawg: Thanks for your time Howie. It was helpful.Bukes: Thanks a lot…got some new ideas nowSlamr: MuskieFIRST would like to thank Howie Meyer for a great Chat tonight….feel free to stay Howie, or if the hands are about to cramp up….feel free to go avoid carpal tunnel7islands: No my shallow option or stained water option is the Gile flowage but Ill fish deep from june 15 on maybe starting at humps that top out at 10 to 15′ thoughBadfish: great reading…great info…7islands: thanks bad just a few thousand typosghoti: Thanks Howie, I owe you a tall cool one.h2os2t: Thanks Howie7islands: Ill be there ghotiSteve_Worrall: Howie, thankscaptain_frank: good job Howie7islands: you’re welcomeMuskydr: Thanks Howie, see you out this summerRAZE-ONE: Great job Howie!!!!!!

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