Category: Tournament
May 20th, 2021 by Keith Worrall
Modified May 20th, 2021 at 8:28 PM
June 12th, 2021 – Lake Waubesa & Lake Monona
Put on by Capital City Chapter of Muskies Inc. (CCMI)
Friendly tournament. We do give out prizes and trophies, but the idea is to simply have a good time fishing.
FREE to all youth age 18 and under as of June 12th, 2021.
Adults may accompany youth in the boat. We encourage participants (or their parents) to bring their boat. Otherwise we will match you with a boat.
State Champion awards plus prizes for all participants!
Tournament Headquarters – Rules meeting June 11th, 7:00 p.m. via Zoom
Come out for a day of fun, and to support youth fishing, and the great sport of chasing those big Muskies!
To register and for more details: or contact Steve Soma at or (608) 438-7662
June 12, 2021 – Lake Waubesa & Lake Monona
1. All participants must be 18 years old or under as of June 12, 2021.
2. Each Participant is competing individually. More than one participant may share a boat.
3. Non-participants (such as parent or other adult) may be in the boat, but they may not fish for any species during tournament hours. Non-participants are allowed to assist participants by offering advice, running the gas and electric motors, and netting fish being caught by youth participants.
4. All participants (both young contestants and adults in the boat) must sign a Muskies Inc Release of Liability form before the start of competition.
5. Participants should compete with respect and sportsmanship.
6. WYMC officials may disqualify a participant for sportsmanship, rules violations, or other issues at their discretion.
Registration and Hours:
7. Registration and pre-launch boat inspection will take place starting at 6:45 a.m. the day of the event.
8. All participants must attend a mandatory rules meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m., June 11th, via Zoom.
9. Tournament fishing hours are 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., though this may be altered due to weather conditions or other considerations.
10. All Wisconsin fishing and boating rules, regulations and licensing apply. It is the participant’s responsibility to know these rules and regulations.
Please be particularly aware of the following requirements:
o Anyone born in or after 1989 must have completed a boater safety course to operate a motorized boat, and the certificate must be carried on the boat.
o No one under the age of 10 may operate a motorized boat.
o Anyone aged 10-11 may operate a motorized boat only if accompanied by a parent or other adult designated by the parent.
o Anyone aged 12-15 may operate a motorized boat only if they have a completed a boater safety course or if they are accompanied by a parent/designated adult.
11. Everyone on board must wear Personal Flotation Devices (PFD) at any time when the boat is under power with a gasoline motor, and the driver must use the motor kill switch. Participants are always encouraged to wear PFDs while on the water.
12. An identification/tape/sticker will be provided during registration. This must always be attached to participants’ boats allowing it to be seen from a distance.
13. All boats must carry at least one working cell phone in order to contact judge boats.
14. Tournament waters are limited to Lake Waubesa and Lake Monona. The boundaries are the shoreline of the lakes.
15. All tournament boats should try to remain at least 100′ away from ay other boat, whether that boat is in the tournament or not.
16. Participants may only get into or out of a boat at Babcock Park or Olin Park, and must check-in with tournament officials when doing so. Boats and participants may not come in contact with the shoreline at any other place during tournament hours.
17. Only one (1) fishing line and one (1) lure at a time is allowed in the water for each youth contestant.
18. All fishing must be done by casting with artificial lures. No trolling or use of live/dead bait is allowed. Trolling is defined as moving a lure through the water by the use of oars, gasoline motors, or electric motors.
19. Each boat must contain a net and release tools of adequate size, shape, and condition to contain and successfully release muskies unharmed.
20. Fish Registration Process
o When a Muskie is caught, keep the fish in the water contained within the net.
o Immediately call a judge boat using the provided cell phone numbers.
o Unhook the fish, but do not remove the fish from the water or bring it into the boat.
o When the judge boat arrives, the judge will assist in the measurement process using the judge’s bump board, taking a photograph, and release back into the lake.
21. Scoring
o Winners are determined by the largest single Muskie or Tiger Muskie caught; scoring is not cumulative for multiple fish.
o Measurement will be determined to the nearest ¼” (quarter inch) by the judge.
o Fish must be released alive and healthy. Any unsuccessful release (as determined by the judge) will result in that fish being disqualified.
22. Wisconsin Youth Muskie Championship plaques will be presented to the youth participants registering the three (3) largest muskies. If less than 3 muskies are registered, the remaining places will be ranked according to the largest Northern Pike.
23. Additional door prizes will be awarded to every youth participant.