Big muskie caught on Bay of Green Bay in Green Bay, WI on 10/17/2014
_x000D_ This Musky was caught on the Bay of Green Bay on Friday Oct.17th. It was caught on a Tiger Shad Rap and took like 20 mins to the landing net. She rolled out of the water two times. When I saw her the first time I knew I had a fight on my hands. We missed her into the net the first try, as she dove under the boat. Lots of action with water spraying everywhere. The second try into the net was successful, and once she was in the net we immediately saw that there was only one barb in the corner of her mouth. We were very lucky to have landed her after this exciting battle. The catch was filmed with a Go-Pro but cannot be shared until it is edited. Just to many exciting words between 3 guys in the boat. LOL! The musky is a female that measured at 53" with a 24" girth and weighed out at 40 lbs. It was my dream, the catch of a lifetime. The musky was out of the water for 5 - 10 mins for measuring, weighing and pictures. The release was awesome and quite the experience while watching her swim away fast and healthy.
Where taken: Bay of Green Bay
State/Province: WI
Length (in) or Points (#): 53
Date taken: 2014-10-17
By: tommyo