Suckers , The Cold Water AlternativeCategory: article
What Muskies Eat05/19/2006
International Angling Rules and Requirements04/02/2006
Rules, Regulations for World Record Application01/06/2006
Making Wise Bait Choices11/24/2005
Reading the Water11/11/2005
Group says Spray’s world record musky is a fraud11/11/2005
Of Jigs and Muskies10/28/2005
Muskiefirst to cover the Dr. Ed Crossman Muskie Symposium10/25/2005
Abstracts; International Muskie Symposium10/12/2005
MuskieFIRST To Cover International Muskie Symposium10/12/2005
Guest Editorial for the Sawyer County Record08/04/2005
Hypothetical Stock Mixing Impact Analysis05/08/2005
Edward Crossman-Muskies, Inc. International Muskie Symposium04/08/2005
Wisconsin DNR response to the “Wisconsin Muskie Restoration Project”02/09/2005
Kevin Worrall Memorial Muskie Tournament09/03/2002
Boat Control03/18/2002
Seasonal Muskie Movements on Leech Lake03/03/2002
Trolling With Spoons12/28/2001
2001 PMTT Fantasy Challenge Results12/01/2001
Muskie Bait Modifications11/13/2001
Tony Grant11/13/2001
Rattle Your Way to Spring Success11/13/2001
Tony Grant’s Story of His Kentucky State Record08/28/2001
The Finer Points of the Figure Eight08/28/2001
Topping the Chop