
Category: Uncategorized

 Jun 17th, 2014 by OutdoorsFIRST  193

Modified Dec 1st, 2018 at 1:32 PM

Lake Of The Woods Muskie Opener This Saturday!!

“The muskellunge (muskie) is one of the largest and most elusive fish that swims in Minnesota. A muskie will eat fish and sometimes ducklings and even small muskrats. It waits in weed beds and then lunges forward, clamping its large, tooth-lined jaws onto the prey. The muskie then gulps down the stunned or dead victim head first.
Muskies are light colored and usually have dark bars running up and down their long bodies. That’s the opposite of northern pike, which have light markings on a dark body. Muskies are silver, light green, or light brown. The foolproof way to tell a muskie from a northern is to count the pores on the underside of the jaw: A muskie has six or more. A northern has five or fewer.”

Lake of the Woods is known as World Class Muskie waters and it all begins this Saturday.  Muskie anglers…GAME ON!

NW Angle Resorts will fish both MN and Ontario waters in search of this magnificent fish. Check out the resorts at the NW Angle HERE, and fishing regulations HERE

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