
Solo Topwater Muskie Fishing Trip! Watching a BIG Musky Break the Surface! S3.E17

Category: Video

 Dec 26th, 2019 by Keith Worrall  650

Modified Dec 26th, 2019 at 11:16 AM

Musky Mastery

There is perhaps no more exciting method of catching a fish other than targeting them with topwater lures! Something about a big fish breaking the surface to eat its prey shakes us at the core and when it comes to muskies, topwater fishing is about as scary as it gets! I mean, let’s face it… When muskies follow you lure in there is no denying, even as a seasoned pro, the adrenaline that rushes through your veins. Yes, you are programed and make the correct movements and time everything just perfectly but, it is still just outright terrifying when a really big muskie is an inch or less behind your lure. Now attract that following muskie up toward the surface and watch out!

Topwater muskie fishing is just awesome. Period. And I would like to say this is because of the nervous anticipation of the strike. We spend literally 10’s of hours on end casting, and casting, and casting, waiting for a muskie to follow… And when it happens, all hell breaks loose! When we think about muskie fishing most of us likely envision giant, fat monsterous creatures that destroy lures and anything that gets in their way, and this is not too far off from the truth!

When we are topwater fishing for muskies all of these visions get exemplified to another degree. It is the vision we all imagine over and over, of a giant musky inhaling our TopRaider and jumping out of the water, crashing down and scaring the land animals, that keeps us up at night. Topwater muskie fishing is what keeps us in the game!

With all said, join me in episode 17 on a solo topwater muskie hunt. The air temps are warm, the water is calm, and the scene is set for topwater fishing! I setup on a “big fish” spot right at moonrise and when my TopRaider disappeared from the surface, I knew it was going to be a giant.

To find more information about Joe Bucher Outdoor’s TopRaider and to shop for them online follow this link:


To check out St. Croix’s Legend Elite series of rods, including the LEM90MHF used in this video, follow this link:


If you like the music in this video then check out Kyon Grey and his great music selections on SoundCloud:

Track: https://soundcloud.com/kyongrey/kyon-…

Thumbnail artwork: Mike Richardson

For more information about Chas Martin’s muskie fishing guide services please visit https://www.muskymastery.com

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