Wilderness muskie fishing adventure

Saturday and Sunday October 9-10, 2010. From Nestor Falls, we went across Kakabikitchewan lake up the river to Pine Lake, then up the river to Wigwam Lake, which involves two portages around waterfalls. We fished Wigwam on Saturday and caught six muskies in there. This is the third time we have fished WIgwam. Good numbers of muskies but nothing big. I think the largest we have caught out of there is 36 inches. We caught two 35’s that day. On the way back down that evening, we left the boat above the first waterfall and used the Ranger to get back to camp. The next morning we took the Ranger back up river as far as the first waterfall again. We then went across the portage again into Wigwam and then upstream about 2 1/2 miles more, which included portaging around two rapids, and pulling the boat over a huge beaver dam. It took the better part of three hours before we arrived at Lake Kishkutena, plus a lot of sweat and backbreaking work carrying boat, motor, etc. I had heard of people going in there before but I would not recommend it for a day trip! Plus it is pretty trecherous, and if you broke a leg or something, I am not sure how loing it would be before someone found you… or what’s left of you. Kishkutena is a fly-in lake but we got in there without paying a pilot! On the way back down, we put the motor up and shot the rapids with the canoe paddles. One time we got turned sideways and the rushing current got a little dicey I thought we might swamp and lose all our stuff, but we made it through. By shooting the rapids we only had two portages (the waterfalls) instead of four. We only caught the 41-incher in Kishkutena, but it was worth it for Dawson to catch his best muskie so far. We did see a LOT of fish, probably about a dozen that day. They were following but not biting. We got back to Wigwam in time to try a couple trolling passes and caught a 28-incher and lost a 32 right at boatside. We were back out to the camp at dark and had a long drive home that night. Quite an adventure on a spur of the moment trip. We decided to do it on Thursday night and left on Friday morning. Dawson’s Website: www.hotmuskielures.com

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