
This Memorial Day – Big D

Category: Video

 May 25th, 2019 by Keith Worrall  504

Modified May 25th, 2019 at 11:24 AM

Published on May 29, 2017
Remembering with respect and gratitude those who died to give us the right to worship freely in this country. What a priceless gift to us to not have to be in fear for our lives as we worship God in public places. So many of our sisters and brothers around the world do not have such a freedom. I thank God for those who have given their all so that we can walk around in our country without fear of retaliation for our faith. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! This Memorial Day, I will thank God first for my freedom both physically and spiritually, and I will also (continue to) thank those veterans who are still alive to receive my thanks and appreciation for their service.
Shalom, Big D
(song written by Denise Haas in 2013-rough draft)

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