
24th Annual Platte Area Chamber Walleye Tournament

Category: Tournament

 Feb 4th, 2020 by Keith Worrall  278

Modified Feb 4th, 2020 at 6:22 PM

The event will start off with the Rules Meeting and Calcutta on Friday, May 1st 2020 at the Platte Community Building. Doors will open for social hour and registration at 5:00 pm. The meal will be served from 6-7 pm, followed by the rules meeting and Calcutta. All participants are required to attend the rules meeting.

Fishing will take place Sat., May 2nd, from 6:45 am – 3:15 pm at Platte Creek Recreation Area. Weigh-in will be located at the Platte Creek Store All teams must be at the weigh-in by 4:00 pm. Winners will be announced with checks and awards given away that day.

Flights are determined in order of registrations and the
Calcutta blocks will be randomized.

Over $15,000 in Payouts!
We payout the top 10 teams.
1st – $8000
2nd – $3800
3rd – $2100
4th – $1300
5th – $800
6th – $700
7th – $600
8th – $500
9th – $400
10th – $300

Entry Fee:

The entry fee is $250 per 2-Person Team or $300 per 3-Person Team.

The fee increases to $300 per 2-Person Team or $350 per 3-Person Team after April 22nd.

The meal on Friday night is included in the entry fee.
Registration starts at 12:00 AM February 1st


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