Devils Lake Chamber Tournament Guarantees $5,000 Top Prize and Fun
Category: npaa
Apr 30th, 2012 by OutdoorsFIRST
Modified Apr 30th, 2012 at 12:00 AM
Chamber Tournament
Devils Lake Tourism
March 2012
Just like the lake, the Devils Lake Chamber Walleye Tournament continues to grow. It grows in popularity every year. It grows in teams, payouts, walleyes caught and fun. First prize money, $5,000, is guaranteed. All funds raised go into the payout and conservation projects around the lake. Entry fee to participate in the tournament is $250 per team.
“This tournament has created a special bond among the anglers and the lake,” said Rich Brueckner, Chamber executive director and part of the 1995 winning team, “After so many years, the teams look forward to the third weekend in June for some friendly competition.” Dates this year are Friday and Saturday, June 22 and 23.
As Devils Lake has grown from less than 40,000 acres during the inaugural 1977 Chamber tournament to upwards of 250,000 acres today, contestants will fish from the west boundary at the Highway 19 bridges to the Highway 57 and 20 bridges (east boundary). Launch and weigh-in is at Graham’s Island State Park.
Tournament rules require all boats to be cleaned, officially inspected and an aquatic nuisance species sticker displayed prior to launching the first day on the water during tournament week. You can find the tournament inspection at Ed’s Bait Shop, located on Highway 20. This is a no-cull tournament, with a maximum of six walleyes in the boat; five will be weighed.
Tournament director and emcee Johnnie Candle said, “I doubt if the 96 pound, 11 ounce winning weight caught back in 1984 will be broken, but anglers will catch lots of walleyes this season – the lake is loaded.” He feels the 10.81 pound record walleye landed in 1989 is in jeopardy, however.
Two teams have won back-to-back, including Lee Murdock and Rod Medalen from Grand Forks, ND, in 1982 and 1983; and Larry Zimmerman, Napoleon, ND and Dennis Andruski, Grand Forks, in 2005 and 2006. Last year’s winners, Dave Harmon from Omaha, NE, and Scott Busteed, Windsor, CO fished Devils Lake for only their second time. Harmon said, “We trolled in 3 to 4 feet of water every morning for most of our fish, then went deeper after 10 a.m. It will be tough to duplicate, but this is a great place to fish.”
The Chamber tournament is much more than a long-running community event. It highlights the lake’s bounty with special cash awards for the largest walleye, northern pike, white bass and perch daily. Those entering by March 31 will be entered into a drawing, and five teams will have their entries paid, compliments of local businesses.
For information on the Devils Lake Chamber tournament, lake conditions, ramps (all launch ramps on Devils Lake will be open this season), activities, guides, lodging and restaurants, check, or call 701-662-4903.
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Please note: The 2012 tournament will be a Friday – Saturday tournament with a Sunday optional day in case of inclement weather.
ELIGIBILITY: Any person 18 years old and older will be eligible to compete. Persons under 18 years old can participate only as a teammate of a
parent, guardian or relative 18 years or older. The $220.00 entry fee plus the $30 banquet fee, for a total of $250 per team. Entries must be completed
and signed by each member of the team: two (2) people per boat. Tournament officials will make a reasonable effort to assist persons with handicap or
individual needs. Please notify the Chamber prior to the rules meeting of any such needs 662-4903.
TEAM MEMBER REPLACEMENT: All partner and team changes must be made prior to 12:00 p.m. (Noon) official time on Thursday, June 21,
2012 and with the approval of the tournament coordinator. If one of the original two-team members drops out, he/she may be replaced by the choice
of the remaining team member. A payment of twenty-five dollars ($25) and properly filled out paperwork is due at the time of the partner
change. If both original team members drop out (either together or sequentially), and it is prior to noon official time on Thursday, June 21, 2012 teams
on the waiting list will be given an opportunity to fill the spot(s). Only if tournament coordinator is successful in replacing the dropped team will entry
fee(s) be refunded, less a $50 per team fee, and then NOT until after the tournament. No Exception.
PRE-TOURNAMENT PRACTICE: Ends 3:00 p.m. Thursday, June 21, 2012. No contestant is allowed on the water except during tournament
hours after this time.
RULES MEETING & BANQUET: Registration will be Thursday, June 21, 2012 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. official time at Grahams Island State Park.
Rules meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. official time. ONE MEMBER OF EACH TEAM IS REQUIRED TO BE PRESENT. It is the
responsibility of each team to register by 6:00 p.m.; failure will result in disqualification and forfeit of entry fee. Please note: because of road
construction it might take longer to get to Graham’s Island. Allow extra driving time. The Banquet will start at 5:00 pm.
OFFICIAL TIME/MEASURING BOARD: Official tournament time may be obtained by calling 701-662-1111. Official Time Clock and Measuring
Board will be available for comparison at registration.
FISHING HOURS & FLIGHTS: Friday, June 22, 2012, eight (8) hours of competition and Saturday, June 23, 2012, eight (8) hours of competition.
Explanation of flights, check-in & check-out location presented at tournament rules meeting. Sunday, June 24, 2012 will be used if necessary to hold a
two-day tournament. All team numbers and flights will be done by random draw.
CHECK-IN & CHECK-OUT: Each team MUST check-in and check-out EACH day with tournament officials at the specified location. Failure to do
so will result in disqualification from the tournament and any tournament prizes. Upon cancellation of the tournament, whether first or second day, each
team MUST check-out with tournament officials at the specified location. Failure to do so will result in disqualification from the tournament and any
tournament prizes.
At the time of check-in, every boat will undergo an inspection. If not adhered to, disqualification will result. All boats are required to trailer to
tournament launch location. No boats will be allowed to check-in by coming across water from another landing.
INSPECTION: Boats will be inspected before and possibly during the tournament. Cheating will result in disqualification.
BOAT INSPECTION: The Devils Lake Chamber of Commerce requires that all contestants clean, dray & wash their boats (especially if boat has
been in other waters) live wells and trailers prior to entering Devils Lake. All boats are required to be inspected for ANS and certified ANS free prior
to first launch for tournament activities. Morning boat inspection will include ANS inspection and those who do not pass inspection will be
disqualified. The boat inspection is located at Ed’s Bait Shop, Hwy 20 South, and will be inspected during normal business hours. You must obtain an
ANS inspection sticker to enter the tournament.
ALCOHOL POLICY: No alcohol is allowed in the boat during the tournament. No alcohol consumption by anglers is allowed until after your team’s
weigh-in. No alcohol or open containers on stage or in photos.
STAGE INTERVIEWS: I agree to go up on stage with/without my team’s catch for an interview with the MC.
TACKLE: Artificial and live baits may be used in accordance with North Dakota Game & Fish Department regulations.
REGULATIONS: All contestants must observe U.S. Coast Guard & North Dakota Game & Fish Department rules, regulations, laws & license
requirements. All boats must carry required safety items. Each contestant must wear a PFD at all times when boat is above trolling speed or on
plane. Contestants may use no more than two fishing lines per person at one time on Devils Lake under North Dakota Game & Fish Department
COMMUNICATION & VISUAL AID DEVICES: CB & Marine radios and cell telephones will be permitted for emergency transmissions ONLY.
Transmitting information concerning any aspect of the taking of fish during the tournament is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:
verbal communication with non-tournament anglers and boaters, binoculars, spotting scopes, underwater cameras, text messaging or other visual aid
devices. All are prohibited. Any team caught communicating or using such devises will be disqualified.
FISHING: It shall be illegal for two (2) boats to pull up to each other during tournament hours. Fishing contestants must remain a minimum of fifty
(50) feet from other contestant’s boats when fishing. Contestants may not leave the boat at any time to land fish, untangle line or lures or for any
other reason. Exception – in the event of hazardous weather contestants may take any safety precautions necessary including leaving the lake.
Consequence for leaving your boat in non-emergency situations will be forfeiture of that day’s weight. Check-in is still required in every case.
Contestant boats are allowed to return to the tournament launch location during tournament hours for emergency services, repairs, wait out inclement
weather, etc. Contestants not weighing in will be allowed to depart from tournament launch location after undergoing an inspection process again.
INCLEMENT WEATHER: The Tournament Committee has the right to postpone or cancel that day’s fishing due to inclement weather. If a day of
fishing is cancelled, Sunday will be used as an optional fishing day. If both days are cancelled, drawings will be held for all prizes. In the event of
cancellation after boats have been released to the water please note the following: 1) All boats must check back in with tournament officials, & 2)
No fish will be weighed. Failure to check in will result in disqualification & loss of eligibility for all prizes. All boats not returning to harbor of
launch must contact a tournament official for notification of safe return. Weather cancellation determination prior to launch will be made by the
following: tournament officials & 1 member or team captain from each team in the tournament & a vote will be taken. Once launched & cancellation
has to be determined, the decision will be made by tournament committee and authorities including park officials, sheriff and Search & Rescue.
P.O. Box 879 Devils Lake, ND 58301
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Permit No. 2
Devils Lake, ND 58301
FISHING AREA: Fishing area will be restricted to the main bay of Devils Lake. The borders will consist of the casino bridge, and the Highway 19
bridges. All other accessible water by boat from tournament launch location shall be open to fishing unless otherwise noted at the rules meeting.
LATE PENALTY: Contestants who return later than the prescribed time, will be penalized five (5%) percent of their day’s weight for the first minute
and two (2%) percent for each additional minute up to 15 minutes, and will be disqualified from the largest fish prizes. Over 15 minutes late will be
disqualified for the day. Teams have up to 1 hour after weigh-in closes to check-in. ANY TEAM THAT FAILS TO CHECK-IN AFTER EITHER
DAY OF FISHING WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM THE TOURNAMENT. Any expense incurred in sending Search and Rescue personnel
out will be your financial responsibility.
FISH HANDLING: Contestants are to use live wells or coolers to keep fish in during the tournament. If any fish are questionable (white gills, soft
flesh, sunken eyes, etc.) due to poor handling by a team, these fish will NOT be counted and team disqualification may result based on the judgment of
the officials. No stringers or baskets!
SCALES & WEIGH-IN: The scales for weigh-in of fish will be open after 12 p.m. each fishing day. Once a team has weighed in their catch, they are
NOT permitted to go back out to try for any other specie or tournament weight. Under NO circumstances shall anyone other than the team members or
tournament officials, handle or touch the catch until after it has been presented to the officials at the weigh-in scale. One team member must verify
weights and initial the scale ticket. Initialing means acceptance of the weight as written.
SCORING: This is not a catch and release tournament. TEAMS ARE PERMITTED ONLY 6 WALLEYE IN THE BOAT, but scoring is based on
five walleye per day. Teams are permitted to bring only five walleye to the scale; the remainder fish must be retained in your boat. Minimum walleye
length for scoring is fifteen (15″) inches. Scoring is by total weight. Reminder, ND Game & Fish does not permit the culling of fish. Once a fish has
been committed to your live well you must take possession of it.
PRIZES: Prizes will be awarded on a team basis. Prizes will be announced at the completion of the tournament after tournament officials make
verification. All payouts for cash prizes are based on a full field of 150 TEAMS with the exception of 1st place, which is guaranteed. Balance of
payout will be based on number of tournament entries. Ties will be resolved by awarding the place to the team with the largest Saturday catch. Placing
will be adjusted accordingly. In the event it becomes a one-day tournament, prizes will be awarded on the other day’s standings. Cash payments will
be issued to individual team members within 10 working days of the tournament after verification of results by tournament officials has been made.
Sponsors, supporters or other invested parties may offer contingency prizes and are the sole responsibility of them to fulfill. These will be
posted and/or announced at the rules meeting.
APPLICABLE TAXES: Contestants alone are responsible for any applicable taxes due on any prize won in compliance with Federal and State tax
laws. Contestants agree to provide their Social Security number if eligible for any prize. Individual or combined prize amounts totaling over $600 will
receive tax form 1099.
SPORTSMANSHIP/SPIRIT OF THE RULES: Contestants will be expected to be courteous, safety conscious and practice fundamental sporting
principles. All rules have loopholes. It is the intention of the sponsors to provide an honest sportsmanlike tournament. In the interest of good
sportsmanship, contestants are reminded that the “spirit of the rules” will prevail in all judgment cases. No participant shall use vulgar, obscene or
inappropriate language towards tournament officials or volunteers. Use of such language or gestures will result in immediate disqualification from the
Chamber tournament and any prize awards. Any person disqualified under these rules may not be eligible to fish future Chamber tournaments. Rude or
disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Please respect other on the water as well as the volunteers who make this tournament a success.
PROTESTS: Only contestants and tournament officials have the right to contest the actions of another team or contestant. Protests by contestants
must be filed in writing with the tournament director, in person, no later than one (1) hour after the close of that fishing day. One hundred ($100)
dollar protest fee must accompany any protest offered by a contestant. The three (3) person tournament committee will convene to investigate and
make a decision regarding the protest. The Protest Committee and their agents are authorized to utilize polygraph examinations and any other
investigative techniques, including testimony under oath, in order to determine the validity of the protest or the charge against any contestant(s). The
decision of the Protest Committee shall be by a majority vote and shall be final in all cases. Contestants waive any right or opportunity to appeal the
decision of the Protest Committee to a higher authority including any court or jurisdiction in this or any other state. If a protest by a contestant is found
to be valid, the protest fee will be returned. If the protest is found invalid, the fee will not be returned. Any person found violating the rules may be
immediately disqualified and the reasons for said disqualification announced at weigh-in.
POLYGRAPH: All teams are subject to, and awards will be based on polygraph tests or voice stress tests (if administered).
PHOTO RELEASE: I understand that photographs, film or videotapes of me during my participation in the tournament may be used for commercial
purposes by tournament organizers, sponsors and the news media without royalties or prior consent.
To contact Tournament Director, Johnnie Candle, call 701-371-9431, or Tournament Coordinator, Suzie Baisch at 701-662-4903. Monday –Friday 8a.m.-5p.m.
Detach Here, Complete and Mail with $250 Entry Fee to: Devils Lake Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 879, Devils Lake, ND 58301 –
Phone: 701-662-4903
Devils Lake Chamber Walleye Tournament Official Entry Form–For June 22 & 23, 2012
FIRST PARTNER NAME: _________________________________________________________________ MALE FEMALE
ADDRESS: ____________________________________ CITY: __________________________ STATE: _____ ZIP: ________
DAYTIME PHONE NO. ( ) __________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ______________________________________________
SOCIAL SECURITY NO. _____________________________ SHIRT/JACKET SIZE: L XL 2XL 3XL
SECOND PARTNER NAME: ______________________________________________________________ MALE FEMALE
ADDRESS: ____________________________________ CITY: __________________________ STATE: _____ ZIP: ________
DAYTIME PHONE NO. ( ) __________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________
SOCIAL SECURITY NO. _____________________________ SHIRT/JACKET SIZE: L XL 2XL 3XL
CELL #(S) YOU CAN BE REACHED ON THE WATER FOR SAFETY. ( ) __________________________________________________
Release of Liability/Waiver: We the undersigned hereby release the Devils Lake Chamber Walleye Tournament and their agents from any and all liability for
death, injury, damage, theft, fire or any loss occurring during this event. We having read and understand the rules as printed on this application and agree to
comply with them. By signing this application we hereby agree to all terms and conditions of this tournament including submitting to a polygraph test if and
when directed to.
Signature: ____________________________Date:________ Signature:______________________________Date:________