Fall Rainy River Fishing
Category: News Release
Oct 9th, 2015 by OutdoorsFIRST
Modified Oct 9th, 2015 at 12:00 AM

This is the time of the year so many outdoors people look forward to. Fall. The birds are flying and the shiners are running. Let’s focus on the walleyes, specifically, the walleyes that head up the Rainy River looking for an easy meal of emerald shiners. You see, each fall, there is a run of emerald shiners that come out of Lake of the Woods and swim upstream in search of something, we believe it is food. Not far behind are good numbers of walleyes wanting that irresistable meal of emeralds. What does that mean for fall walleye anglers? It’s Game On!
If you have never fished the Rainy River before, there is about 40 miles of navigable river from the mouth of the Rainy River that enters Lake of the Woods all the way to the rapids east of Birchdale. There are many great spots along the way.
Most anglers jig with a minnow. Others will pull cranks. In this segment of Midwest Outdoors TV, Greg Jones and myself jig fish using live emerald shiners. Notice the stinger hook we incorporate into the mix and how that upped our catch on this given day.
If you are interested in some epic fall fishing, you can either bring your own boat or jump in with one of our guides. We have a variety of public access points along the river making it very accessible. Bait shops with everything you need are in Baudette as well as the resort areas. Many resorts can also set you up with tackle and bait.
To find a hotel, resort or fishing charter or guide, go to our website at www.LakeoftheWoodsMN.com/Lodging. Fall up to ice up is a great time to hit the water. Walleyes are putting on the feed bag and ready to take your offering. There is plenty of time, make it happen!