
Full Throttle Fishing

Category: npaa

 Apr 25th, 2011 by OutdoorsFIRST 

Modified Apr 25th, 2011 at 12:00 AM

Full Throttle Fishing is inviting all NPAA members to come out and fish with them this year.  Full Throttle is a professionally run faith based tournament circuit where contestants get a free dinner, free prizes, inspirational speaker, pro fishing speakers, and a chance to win cash and prizes.  Full Throttle also runs and partners with charity and corporate events in the pursuit of hosting quality events with the big picture in mind. 

Full Throttle contestants range from first time teams, family members, couples, adult youth teams, weekend warriors, corporate businessmen, and seasoned veterans.  Everyone is always invited anytime!  In fact one of our points champion teams from 2011 was the father and son team of Mark and 7-year-old Cole Bruly who won a tournament and the Mille Lacs points division. 

Part of what makes Full Throttle so special is our pre-tournament dinner meetings.  First we have a free dinner.  Last year our dinners were unbelievable to say the least.  Lasagna, chicken, mash potatoes and gravy, and we even had steak at our championship.  

Each event features a faith based inspirational speaker and pro fisherman segment.  Our first event we are fortunate enough to have spoken Ranger, Humminbird, MinnKota, Pro Tommy Skarlis.  Tommy Skarlis set the Full Throttle Walleye tournament all time weight record for a 5 fish limit last year weighing 41.60lbs!   If you haven’t heard Tommy speak at a Full Throttle event you are in for a real treat, fishing tips, life secrets, and some really good laughs. 

Another one of the keynote speakers for our Mille Lacs event is the legendary Ron Lindner from Lindners Angling Edge.  Ron brings an unbelievable wealth of fishing and life information to Full Throttle at this event. 

Full Throttle invites and welcomes all levels of fisherman to fish our events from novice to pro.  We have worked with many pro fishermen to help with speaking, endorsing, fishing, and teaching, since the beginning of our organization.   Pros like Al Lindner, Ron Lindner, Tommy Skarlis, Jimmy Bell, Kevin McQuoid, Scott Fairbarin, Jim Adsem, Steve Brandt, and Jim Kalkofen.

The beauty of Full Throttle fishing is that contestants are getting a real quality event with professionally run equipment, free dinner, inspirational speakers, and a great payback to the angler that does not cost a fortune to fish.  Entry fees for each event are $200 including big fish, door prizes, and trophies.  “We try to make our events as fair for everyone as possible while running a professional tournament weigh in with a great payback and prizes,” describes Full Throttle director Mark Schutz.

Full Throttle also partners with many charity events such as St. Judes Bass Tournament, Al Lindner Teen Challenge Fishing Event, and Cops N Kids events. 

Full Throttle is open to partner with organizations that want to run a quality fishing event with professional equipment, stage, and sound system.

Also new to Full Throttle this year is the addition of Studio 503 marketing team who has taken on the task of marketing for Full Throttle.  With the addition of a new brochure, sponsorship packet, and brand-new website coming soon this should help make Full Throttle one of the premier circuits in the future. 

Full Throttle Fishing Walleye Schedule for 2011.  April 9th Mississippi River ¾, May 21 Mississippi River ¾, July 9th Mille Lacs Lake, MN, August 13 Mille Lacs Lake MN, and October 8th Championship TBA.  More info found at www.FTfishing.com .

Full Throttle also features Ranger Cup contingency money and Rapid Sport Marine bonus money for winning teams meeting the criteria from each company.

If anyone is interested in becoming a Full Throttle contestant or a potential sponsor for 2011 they need to contact Mark Schutz at FishSchutz@msn.com or call 763-486-7508 for more information.  Credit Cards welcome for entries.  Visit Full Throttle at www.FTfishing.com and on Facebook group page Full Throttle Fishing. 

Special thanks to Full Throttle sponsors and partners- Mercury Marine, Ranger Boats, Humminbird, MinnKota, Cannon, Studio 503 Marketing, Rapid Sport Marine, Liddle Marketing, Ranger Cup, Teen Challenge Fishing Challenge, Discover Church.

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