NPAA Member and Family Share Their Passion for Angling
Category: npaa
Apr 29th, 2014 by OutdoorsFIRST
Modified Apr 29th, 2014 at 12:00 AM

On Friday April 25th NPAA member Brent Long along with his daughters Christena and Brittany held a “Future Angler” Clinic at Youngsville (PA) Elementary and Middle School for 153 students in 4th – 8th grades. The event included a message on the importance of education in order to reach their goals in life, whether it be working for NASA as a scientist or fishing as a Pro education is essential.

During the event the Brent and his daughters covered safety on and around the water, and they shared their knowledge about the type of equipment an angler needs to catch fish. After learning some basics on the sport including the art of casting the students were able to practice what they had learned by casting to fish shaped targets. The students were taught how to tie both the Clinch and Palomar knots to allow them to attach their lures with a knot that will hold. They also learned to identify different species of fish. The students were shown different types of rod set ups and their specific uses. An important part of the clinic included learning about different types of live bait and the use of artificial bait replacements like Berkley Gulp to catch fish under all conditions.

To conclude the seminar the Long family lead a discussion on Aquatic Invasive Species. The kids learned the steps to assure aquatic plants, organisms, fish aren’t transferred to other bodies of water via an anglers boat, or equipment.
As they wrapped up the event each Future Angler received AIS handouts and Stop AIS water bottles. To make sure the kids could learn more about the sport the Long’s left Fishing Basic Handbooks provided by the NPAA and The Future Anglers Foundation in the school library for the students to review what we had discussed. The e event was a great success and the Long family looks forward to do more events in the future.