NPAA Members Educate Future Anglers at Cabelas Owatonna Store
Category: npaa
Apr 14th, 2014 by OutdoorsFIRST
Modified Apr 14th, 2014 at 12:00 AM

NPAA members Scott Ludwig #632, Jeff Otis #620, Jim Peters #106 and Nancy Koep #323 hosted a Future Angler seminar at Cabela’s in Owatonna, MM for Cabela’s Spring Walleye Classic last weekend. The team had roughly 25 your anglers and their parents/grandparents attend the information packed event. The attendees learned about; water and boating safety, fish identification, local laws on limits, knot tying, how to rig a slip bobber, and species specific tackle during the seminar.

Each NPAA supported seminar includes information on Aquatic Invasive Species including the very important “Clean, Drain and Dry” message. The Future Anglers and their parents are made aware of the negative impact that AIS can have on our lakes and rivers. The attendees are asked to share what they have learned about AIS with their friends and other anglers that come into contact with at school and on the water.

At the end of the event each young angler received a “Future Pro” tee shirt, a casting plug, a “Cars” net and a “Stop Aquatic Hitchhiker” AIS water bottle. All of these items had been donated by the NPAA and the Future Angler Foundation. Cabela’s provided each youth with a rod and reel combo. To find out more about the NPAA go to their website at .