NPAA Members Educate Future Anglers at MWC Hastings Event
Category: npaa
Jun 2nd, 2014 by OutdoorsFIRST
Modified Jun 2nd, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Hastings, MN
NPAA members Scott Ludwig #632, Jeff Otis #621, Bill Shimota #599, Chad Maloy #499, Chuck Dube #35 hosted a Future Angler Seminar after weigh-in on day one of the MWC Hastings event. There were approximately 65 kids that came to this event along with their parents, grandparents. The attendees learned about the important message of “Clean, Drain and Dry”. This addressed important information on the prevention of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS).

Each attendee was able to receive an NPAA Future Pro t-shirt and rod and reel combo provided by the NPAA. An assortment of soft plastic baits and fishing line was supplied by Berkley Fishing.