T-H Marine Continues Industry Sponsor Support Of Multiple Circuits
Feb 12th, 2014 by OutdoorsFIRST
Modified Feb 12th, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Ponca City, Okla. – January 31, 2014 Federation properties management team announced today the Alabama based, T-H Marine, will continue its sponsor partnership in 2014 with the Cabela’s Master’s Walleye Circuit (MWC), the Cabela’s North American Bass Circuit (NABC), and the National Bass Anglers Association (NBAA). T-H Marine has an extensive list of products with both its G-Juice and Oxygenator systems leading the industry with their unmatched conservation efforts.
“T-H Marine is excited to be on board with these great tournament trails for the 2014 season and beyond,” T-H Marine Public Relations and Marketing Specialist, Grant Stewart, said. “G-Juice and the Oxygenator system is the ultimate combination to keep fish alive longer in the livewell and to ensure a healthy release after the tournament. We have a long standing commitment and are proud to be contributing to the conservation of our nation’s fisheries.”
“Sharing the common commitment of fish conservation makes working with T-H Marine very easy and a natural fit for both sides,” Vice President of Sales and Marketing for MWC, NABC and NBAA, Kelly Gohman, stated. “Fish release rate is one of the standards applied to tournament organizations and one we take very seriously. That’s why we’ve been using Oxygenators and G-Juice – U2 Pro Formula since they first started coming out of the lab and we’re very proud of our release record over that time period.”
T-H Marine is focused on delivering the highest value in product and performance, and anglers of the MWC, NABC, NBAA are proud to fish another year with its support.
Under the umbrella of The Walleye Federation (TWF), the Cabela’s Masters Walleye Circuit is open to all avid walleye anglers from all walks of life. The 2014 Cabela’s Masters Walleye Circuit includes 10 stops spread across seven states in the Walleye Belt. Teams showcase their skills-and sponsor products-at world-class venues such as the Illinois River, Detroit/Lake Erie, Mississippi River/Hasting, Minn., Big Stone Lake, Ortonville, Minn., Bay of Green Bay at Oconto, Kinzua Reservoir, Bradford, Penn., Cass Lake, Minn., Lake Erie, Huron, Ohio, and the World Walleye Championship in Devils Lake, North Dakota. The 2014 Circuit will highlight our sponsor partners and anglers to the masses with live streaming video of select events and four nationally televised events aired in the Federation Angler TV 13 week block on NBC sports, as well as, the 13 week block on the Pursuit channel.
NABC, the Cabela’s NABC is open to two-person teams regardless of club or sponsor affiliation. There are two NABC Regions one in MN, WI are and one in the GA, SC area. Entry fees are $500 per regular season tournament and $600 for each two-day region championship. Payback is over 100% each year. In addition, a small donation is included in each entry fee and matched by NABC and other conservation organizations up to 3-to-1 in support bass conservation projects anywhere NABC does business.
NBAA is America’s fastest growing adult team bass fishing circuit there is with nearly 100 divisions running 1,000 events per year. NBAA is built on “close to home” week night, week day or weekend events customizable for any group, age group or format. NBAA gives every grassroots local circuit, jackpot or trail a path to a true state and national championship and legitimate “big time” prizes. In 2013, over 1,600 anglers participated each week across all divisions. Built for the angler who wants to fish close to home with a friend or family member and sleep in their own bed at night. NBAA is the premier organization offering ultra-low entry fees starting at only $40, with increased payback at the ramp to record NBAA levels for 2014, and with more money staying local through the new state championship format than ever before. NBAA has something for everyone!