|  An Eight-Point Buck for the Books Category: article Apr 13th, 2021 by Keith Worrall 86 Modified Apr 13th, 2021 at 2:31 PM https://www.northamericanwhitetail.com/editorial/eight-point-buck-for-the-books-tucker-schmitz/390314?fbclid=IwAR3bLlNt6g2EN4NNgO3Idq1-Ubg75gWADd7SKtrp4t1qqPYdcPQd82AxGi8 When Tucker found himself surrounded by 14 does on the evening of Nov. 1, 2019, he felt a buck had to be nearby. Was he ever right about that! (Photo by Donnie Wilson)
Eighth Grader Arrows a 238-Inch Buck, Likely the Biggest Non-Typical Ever Killed by a Youth Hunter in Kentucky