Waterfowl Opener Success- Many Ducks and Geese Overhead
Category: News Release
Sep 30th, 2015 by OutdoorsFIRST
Modified Sep 30th, 2015 at 12:00 AM

Waterfowl Opener Success- Many Ducks and Geese Overhead
by Rachel Krohn
Minnesota Waterfowl Fall 2015 Opener was this past weekend. Lake of the Woods was one of the many destinations heavily visited and hunted. Hunters used the many bays and fields as many migratory and residential birds flocked over head. Canadian geese, mallards, golden eye, red heads, blue heads, teal, and wood ducks are just a sample of the list that hunters experienced as targets on the many locations Lake of the Woods has to offer.
Points of interest: on the Rainy River is 4 Mile Bay, then you head west on the South Shore towards Bostic Bay, Zippel Bay, and Swift Ditch, the rest is located north to the NW Angle to hunt points off the main land, as well as many bays and points of islands. Those that chose to target the geese sat in blinds located on the edge of fields or swamp marshes. Hunters that were new to the area used our resorts as their personal guided outfitters to find that perfect niche. That’s right, resorts do not just cater to the angler. They are your one stop shop for all your outdoors-man (and women) wants and needs. Check out our list of lodging facilities and find your perfect match on our LODGING PAGE.
**Remember!! Minnesota regulations require a seasonal license as well as Duck and Goose Stamps to legally hunt. Lake of the Woods is located in the North Zone. The season will run September 26-November 24th. Duck bag limits: 6 ducks daily; may not include more than any combination of the following: 4 mallards (2 hen mallard), 3 scaup, 3 wood ducks, 2 pintails, 2 redheads, 2 canvasbacks, 1 black duck. If not listed up to 6 ducks of a species may be taken. Coot and moorhen (gallinule) bag limits: Daily bag limit is 15. Shooting hours are the same as for the regular waterfowl season. Merganser bag limit: Daily bag limit is 5, no more than 2 of which may be a hooded merganser. The possession limit for all migratory birds is three times the daily bag limit. Goose bag limit is 3. Other information can be found on the MN DNR website HERE